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Enrichment Camp Application


Enrichment Camp Application Form


Through engaged and interactive learning, Back to the Basics Tutoring LLC aims to help increase the knowledge of basic foundational concepts


Back to the Basics Tutoring LLC aims to inspire and motivate children to excel academically through engaged and interactive learning by using new approaches to increase their focus and participation in a learning environment. To help develop the children's needs and also build a partnership with parents, families, and communities to best help the children to build their progress and confidence in identified academic areas.

Thank you for your interest in the Basic to the Basics Tutoring LLC Enrichment Camp!

This camp (9 am-4 pm) is strategically designed for school-aged children who are going to school virtually and may need some assistance staying on task and some assistance with assignments while safely participating in a classroom-like environment! We have activities for your child to not only learn virtually and get them moving but building social skills too! Classes held every Tuesday and Thursday starting September 1st and will be ongoing until in-person school is available.

NOTE: Back to the Basics Tutoring LLC does not guarantee any particular results; however, we will work hard to help your child in the identified areas. If your child is accepted into the program, you will be notified via the contact information provided above and for any future is written or electronic correspondences. You also agree to not hold Back to the Basics Tutoring LLC, It's affiliates, partners, volunteers, sponsors, investors, associates, or members liable for any injury, harm, medical needs, food allergies, illness, or failed academic progress. Back to the BAsics Tutoring LLC reserve the right to terminate any tutoring services if the child is a danger to themselves or other children/staff. We also reserve the right to terminate tutoring if we feel the child requires more services than we can provide. If services are terminated, you understand there will be no refunds issued. 

By signing this document electronically you agree to the terms address above.

Thanks for submitting!

Additional Questions?

Contact Kiyana Mensah

Phone: 414-973-1009


If you would prefer, you may download the application below and email the completed document to

Copyright 2022  |  All Rights Reserved  |  Back to the Basics Tutoring

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